Improving one's skill is a gradual progress. No one is born a master, and while some definitely have the capability to learn faster, it certainly doesn't mean the rest of us couldn't learn the same things, or that the fast learner didn't put in any effort in what they learned. Even prodigies like Mozart had to spend time and effort into learning their trait.
What am I getting to?
Well, my son Leo is having a hard time with himself not learning some of the basics of go. He really likes the game, but making those same simple mistakes in every game, he is quickly becoming put off by it, and I fear he might want to give up even trying to. I see his progress, but he doesn't (want to) believe me when I compliment him for his moves or skills. Quite opposite... His reaction is usually very confrontative, like I had blamed him for something. This is something I am personally not able to understand.
So how is it the other kids I've been showing the game to can withstand me beating them on the board day in day out, thanking me for it in the end, and my own son throws a tantrum if I so much as don't let him kill one of my groups while he's winning?
I might be using the wrong strategy in teaching him. Or maybe Leo truly isn't motivated in go after all. Maybe I should give him slack and try to get him interested in other things. What do you think?
Anyway, in my own view, Leo lacks the tenacity to keep motivated towards all new things. I have no idea where it stems from, but I find me blaming myself over it. I might not be the ideal parent, whatever that means...
Well. Right now, Leo is playing a slower game against me on OGS, and he agreed to play a live game online every now and then (I suggested him to play daily, but I'm not sure if he's willing to.) He's not really a 17 kyu yet, but that's how OGS has rated him after having played, being so miserable I had to give some advice every now and then just to shut him up. (He's very loud when he thinks he's playing badly.)
It was completely different when he played in our club against an adult who wasn't me. Maybe that is the key. He might need someone else to play against. Playing on the Internet is fine, but he probably doesn't see the need to play cool and handle his disappointment, because his opponent doesn't actually see him.
And how does Miro fare with go?
Miro doesn't really understand the basics yet, but emulates my play very well. Even he doesn't like if kill one of his stones, or if he can't kill mine. Very much like Leo, but there's something of a promise there, because he doesn't throw a tantrum every time something "bad" happens on the board.
I somehow managed to get Miro hooked playing the snapback pack on Gochild. He likes the colored stones. In my mind I vision Leo being the inspiration for him later to start learning go too. If for nothing more than playing a game against each other every now and then.
Myself, I was lately on fire, winning almost every game on DGS, finally cementing my 7 kyu rank (hopefully). Kicking up a gear, I challenged a couple of 4 kyu players to a game. I don't think I may win them just yet, but I am confident I can give'em a good game though.
Some statistics I got from the Dragon Go Server (screencapped from AnDGS):
I think that's pretty cool.
I'm also playing on OGS, although last time I checked, my ratings there were still provisional.
Well I'm still hoping my boys will get better, and more interested in playing go than they now are. It doesn't help we can't play in in the park with their friends, because it's been raining a few days in a row now.
In other news, I set up a bunch of accounts on Twitter, G+ and YouTube in support to this blog. And if possible, I might do some videos too. Although I am not sure whether to create stuff in English or in Finnish because my English kind of sucks, and there aren't that many Go videobloggers in Finland. (Also, the thought of giving a video link to Leo's go playing friends is an exciting one.)
But, all that said... Everyone have a nice Thursday, and good luck in your games!
European Go Congress, Toulouse, worse results.
Since I last wrote I have played seven games, and only won one. I am not
exactly happy about it, but it was not quite as bad as it sounds. On Friday
I play...
6 months ago
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