Friday 30 July 2010

ASR League games nearing towards the end of month again. Little bit scared now.

So the games for this July are almost played. I'm pretty scared that I might drop from the Gamma IV class, since both LiKao 5k and Olechka 10k are only a 0.5 to 1.5 points away, and I can't seem to find opponents to play against. If they both pass me by, I am sure I will be demoted to the Delta classes. It isn't exactly an encouraging thought. I would have liked to play against these strong players a bit longer, as it definitely has its perks. That, and I still haven't beaten ardesh 10k in a game. If I get demoted now there's no knowing when our paths will cross next time.

Man I'm talking about it like I was in a real insei league. That is a bit worrying.

Anyway, I'm going to try finding someone to play against now before going to bed. Hopefully it'll be a league game. See you all soon! ^^ /gg

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