Wednesday 28 July 2010

13kyu... Maybe I'm ready for it now.

A week ago I momentarily ranked 13kyu due to a couple of ranked games I managed to beat. My rank looked like it was skyrocketing, but I wasn't too sure about my real abilities. I soon dropped back to 14kyu where I actually felt more comfortable. (I think somewhere around 16k would have been more like it, but that's how KGS wants to rank me so.)

Now I know KGS rankings are not to be stared at, even more so when one's a DDK (Double Digit Kyu) like me, but still it feels nice to have some sort of a measure to determine one's strength. Even when one's as inexperienced in the game as me. But heh, I have a feeling I might be gradually getting a bit better. Maybe I could handle the 13k rank If progressed now. ^^

Here are two of my latest games on KGS. The first one was a ranked game against EMOTOKENZO 11k, whom weirdly resigned while scoring the game. I really don't understand it because he only lost by 18½ moku when I had a three stone handicap. Well, I guess some would argue a loss is a loss no matter how few stones it's lost, but I still don't feel OK about it. These kinds of things often make me uneasy. It's a good thing I didn't notice his resignation before playing my second game today, an ASR League match against ardesh 10k, my "rival" on Gamma IV class, I would probably have lost that game... Well, one can dream, right? Actually I lost anyway. ;) But hey, all that aside I think I'm not too weak anymore. Single digits soon, no?

1st game:
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[3]KM[0.50]TM[1500]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[EMOTOKENZO]PB[AmbyR00]WR[11k]BR[14k]DT[2010-07-27]PC[The KGS Go Server at]AB[pd][dp][pp]RE[B+Resign]
;W[dd]WL[1495.896]C[AmbyR00 [14k\]: hello :)
AmbyR00 [14k\]: have a nice game
;W[]WL[322.819]TW[aa][ba][ca][ab][bb][cb][ac][bc][cc][dc][ec][fc][ad][bd][cd][ed][fd][ce][de][ee][fe][ge][se][cf][df][ef][rf][og][qg][rg][sg][qh][ri][si][rj][sj][rk][sk][hl][il][rl][sl][gm][jm][qm][rm][sm][hn][in][sn][go][ho][io][qo][ro][gp][hp][ip][rp][gq][hq][iq][gr][fs]TB[ha][ia][ja][ka][la][ma][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][ib][jb][kb][lb][mb][nb][ob][pb][ic][kc][lc][mc][oc][pc][qc][jd][kd][ld][md][nd][od][ke][le][me][ai][aj][bj][cj][dj][nj][oj][ak][bk][ck][dk][al][bl][cl][am][bm][cm][an][bn][cn][dn][mn][nn][ao][bo][do][mo][ap][bp][cp][lp][np][op][aq][bq][cq][lq][mq][ar][lr][mr][nr][pr][as][ks][ls][ms][ns][os][qs][rs][ss]C[AmbyR00 [14k\]: thank you
AmbyR00 [14k\]: was a good game :)

2nd game:
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1500]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[ardesh]PB[AmbyR00]WR[10k]BR[14k]DT[2010-07-27]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[ardesh [10k\]: good luck and have fun :)
ardesh [10k\]: *smoke*
ardesh [10k\]: asr league
AmbyR00 [14k\]: have a nice game :)
;B[pd]BL[1482.546]C[ardesh [10k\]: i ll try to play without big mistakes now :D
;W[pp]WL[1476.056]C[AmbyR00 [14k\]: please don't ;)
;B[dd]BL[1469.329]C[ardesh [10k\]: u just have to give me a good fight :
;W[re]WL[605.442]C[AmbyR00 [14k\]: always the same mistake !!!! argh :(
ardesh [10k\]: yes
ardesh [10k\]: i hoped for that :)
;B[rd]BL[84.854]C[ardesh [10k\]: i make the same mistake quite often too...
;B[lk]BL[30]OB[2]C[ardesh [10k\]: meh.. it was overplay
;W[]WL[338.464]C[AmbyR00 [14k\]: heh... from me too I guess
;B[]BL[30]OB[1]TW[ga][hc][gd][hd][ee][fe][ef][ff][gf][pf][rf][sf][ng][rg][lh][mh][nh][oh][qh][sh][pi][ri][si][qj][rj][sj][pk][rk][sk][ql][sl][nm][om][rm][sm][on][pn][qn][rn][sn][mo][no][qo][ro][so][mp][np][op][qp][rp][sp][dq][fq][kq][mq][nq][oq][pq][rq][sq][cr][dr][er][fr][gr][hr][ir][jr][kr][lr][mr][nr][or][pr][qr][rr][sr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][fs][gs][hs][is][js][ks][ls][ms][ns][os][ps][qs][rs][ss]TB[aa][ba][ca][la][ma][na][qa][ra][sa][ab][bb][db][lb][nb][ob][pb][rb][sb][ac][bc][dc][lc][pc][rc][sc][ad][bd][cd][kd][ld][md][ae][be][ke][af][bf][jf][ag][bg][ah][bh][ch][ih][ai][bi][ci][ii][aj][bj][ak][bk][ck][al][bl][cl][dl][am][bm][dm][an][bn][cn][gn][in][ao][bo][co][io]C[ardesh [10k\]: ya

Well, I'm off now. See you soon with a new blog post. If you see me on KGS or IGS, don't be afraid to say Hi, maybe we could play a game or two. ^^ /gg


  1. Hi, this is hundun2 from Twitter.

    You're doing well with taking sente in the endgame, but not during the rest of the game. Especially in the 1st game, you followed your opponent most of the time. I think you'll get a few stones stronger by doing more tenuki. Think about whether your opponent's move requires an immediate response, and if not, you can play somewhere else and make the other guy respond.

  2. Hi, good to level up
    I added your blog.

  3. @hanayeol Thank you for the encouragement and adding me to your blogroll. I'm still in the process of slowly building mine but I should be adding a blogroll of my own soon.

    @SI I definitely need to consider my immediate responses a bit more, that's true. I find it not too easy though, unlearning mistakes that have come from repeatedly making them while learning the game. But I guess that's the same problem for every beginner. Though I will concur that I am going get a lot stronger when I succeed. ^^
